fill in your name and email address to access to the
Believe me, I know how you feel. I was once the same. I'll never forget what it's like to be part of the majority of chumps trying to profit from AdWords, but not knowing what needs to be done. Split-testing, altering click prices, deleting campaigns, spending fruitless hours driving expensive traffic to my sites... but never getting anywhere. All I normally ended up with was a break-even balance, despite the fact that I had a network of seven high-converting sites; AdWords was simply costing me way too much, so much that I considered pulling the plug entirely more than once. Those are some sad memories. For me, though, that's all they are -- memories. You see, it got to a point where I was sick of being one of the guys who knew he should be making easy money from my products and affiliate programs, but just couldn't get it working. I decided to take a stand. I bought dozens of books, and signed up to every "expert" seminar out there. I spent hundreds of hours on article sites and forums, scouring for tips and tricks, and eventually I started to understand the whole AdWords picture. With this understanding, came the realisation that if I was to succeed, I needed to uncover my own tricks and techniques - my own set of rules that no-one else knew about, and that I could use to consistently churn out profits. That was six months ago. Now I can safely say the days of "$100 cheques" are a thing of the past. It took me months, but eventually it clicked, and I came up with a blueprint for profiting from AdWords - not the usual crap you hear, and not the usual techniques you read about. Remember, if you follow the crowd you will just end up with chump change.
"What I present to you now, is the formula for making $300 per day from Adwords, in super rapid time, and from just a few top secret techniques, that the "other guys" won't tell you about..."I can tell you that my tricks are really quite simple once you understand them, but they are not the kind of thing you just stumble across -- and you will never guess it if someone hasn't told it to you. I can tell you from experience that none of the so-called "experts" know about them. You
should know as a matter of logic that there are people making
good livings from AdWords, people making thousands of dollars per
day... in some cases a hell of a lot more, believe
it or not...in fact I know of one webmaster that milks AdWords for
close to $5,000 per day.... he knows how to get very, very
cheap clicks and leverage them into high-earning, high converting
sites. So it is doable, and you know it.
"... but you should also know that the top internet marketers won't tell you their secrets - unless you held a gun to their head".The problem is, the few "super" profitable internet marketers profit from being smarter than their competition. They couldn't tell you, or the competition would eat into their profits. So don't expect any help from those guys. Luckily
for you, I have devised a simple formula, which only a few key insiders
know about, so we can both profit from it. It isn't the usual rubbish
you have heard before, and the only reason I am releasing it is
because I know that a few people won't make a dent in my profits.
And I promise you, it will revolutionise the way that you view money
making on the web.
"But, what's so special about Adwords - why not make money online another way?..."Let me put it this way: the simplest and easiest way to make a living from the web is via Google Adwords. The great thing about Adwords is you can literally start earning right away, no matter what your budget, no matter where you are in the world, and no matter what your experience level is. Adwords has the potential to provide you with piles of job-ending cash, but only if you do it right. Take it from someone who has tried every money-making opportunity out there - nothing on the planet compares to the instant "plug in and profit" potential of Adwords. I have tried money-making "opportunities" from eBay, to setting up websites for organic search engine placement to various HYIP schemes. Before I hit on this, I lost money (it hurts, doesn't it?), and in most cases, I just wasted weeks and months of my life trying to buy freedom from the daily grind. I still dabble with other areas from time to time, but I always come back to Adwords. You don't even need a website to make money from Google Adwords - in fact I make $300 per day from sending traffic to other people's sites as an affiliate, but once more there is a right way to do it and a wrong way. Do it right, and you will make a killing. Get it wrong and you will end up like everyone else...
"Of course, most Adwords guides are no help... you need an edge if you plan on making a real killing... and that is where the unique Adwords Miracle package comes in..."Even if Adwords is the way to go, you wouldn't think it with the number of people who have tried and failed. There are literally dozens of Adwords manuals out there, some as cheap as $97, some as expensive as $497. And you know what? Every damn Adwords manual seems to say the same thing! I swear! The problem is that those guys wrote their guides two years ago... and maybe the rules of the game were different then.. But their "old school" methods just do not cut it any more! You need someone who has been there and done that... someone who bought over $1000 of Adwords guides, attended the expensive seminars, bought the expensive up-sell packages, and still wasn't satisified... someone who had to come up with his own spin on things, who had to make it all work, despite the limited info out there... someone who has bled, someone who has learnt the hard way, and still come out on top... In short, you
need Adwords Miracle because it is the only Adwords guide
that tells it like it is, and the only manual that guarantees
clear profit. It is that simple - in fact... if you plan on profiting
from Adwords, you barely have a choice.
So... what are these secret AdWords tricks and techniques......and
how on earth do I bank an easy "auto-pilot" $1000 per
Well, I want to take you back to one afternoon last August.... that's when the whole thing started, and I found out how people really make easy money on the internet...
"Back then, I had a handful of sites in my network, and each one would generate a sale or so per day, despite all the effort I put in. My click-through rate was average at best and despite all my traffic-building efforts, I was still only averaging a few hundred visitors per day. "If only I could cut my AdWords costs in half... then I could do this for a living", I remember thinking. Having spent hundreds on AdWords guides that told me "general knowledge" ideas, I was getting desparate, and then by chance I decided to make a few completely random changes to two of my sites...".
" And with those few changes, my click-through rate doubled overnight!"I couldn't believe it! I had finally at least made some progress, and all because of a few very minor changes to two of my campaigns. I decided to give it a few more days, just to make sure, and the click through rates stuck. This gave me the confidence to test more and more, and as I continued to experiment my profits grew in steps. Within a few weeks, I was making about $150 per week from one of my sites; then $300 per week, and it kept growing... until about six months ago, three months after my initial experiment. That was the tipping point, and I discovered the greatest secret of AdWords profiteering. That was the day the penny really dropped. Now, I was making enough purely from my AdWords traffic to quit my job and start focusing on making my sites REALLY profitable. And I hadn't even started on my conversions yet! I even started running controlled experiments over some of my websites, making changes just to see what happened. Over the the next six months, I ended up quadrupling my click through rates, in two cases getting 40% click-through's and higher!
"Yes, you read that correctly: some of my campaigns average a 40% click through rate!"and all from just a few changes that no-one else knows about...I was in a state of shock. I had gone from a very average click through rate to 40% AND ABOVE! With that kind of click through I can drive as much traffic to my network as I can muster, safe in the knowledge that my visitors convert to cash... in fact, at the moment well over $1000 per day in Clickbank and Paypal cash that comes back to me every few days! What really amazes me is that the changes allow me to enter new niches everyday knowing I can just set it and forget it... knowing that no-one can compete on AdWords...and wait for the cheques to roll in at the end of the month. Quite frankly, if there are searches for a term on Google, I can profit from it with my nasty little AdWords tricks. The poor competition does not stand a chance.
" AdWords Miracles is all you need to profit from AdWords. So chuck the useless info you already have, and start earning - no matter what your skill level..."
" As a one time bonus, and for a very, very limited time, I am also including a second monster section which covers every "speciality" area of AdWords - from affiliate marketing to increasing conversions, from AdWords for e-publishers to AdWords for Google Cash users...With
this section I cover the key issues the "gurus" are scared
to discuss.."
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Guide to AdWords - If you are promoting affiliate
products via AdWords, then there are certain points you
should be aware of; the same points that make me $300+
on an average day, all from AdWords traffic. |
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"Google Cash for 2007" - Bonus
Chapter. The Google Cash method is being used by thousands
of people, all of whom are chasing the same scrap of
meat BUT you can still rake it in, IF you follow my
lead. |
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"Skimming Method" Revealed - The
simplest method to make a passive $100/day that
I have ever heard about. Easily worth the cost of the
manual alone - because you won't find it anywhere else. |
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Research Exposed - The final word on keyword
research. How I do it with all my campaigns... and it's
probably not the same way you do it, unless you make more
than $200 per day, in which case, good call! |
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position is most profitable - this is a question
as old as AdWords itself, and while the experts all have
their own ideas, the truth is that even they are
slightly off the mark |
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only question you need to answer before you turn on content
search - content search can actually be profitable,
but only in certain circumstances... the rest of the time
it just isn't |
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For Dummies - Two things I guarantee you aren't
doing, but you know you should... and when you do them
you will improve your end of year earnings by 100%. It's
that simple. |
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Bonus: Most common mistakes made by AdWords Users -- the
same mistakes you must avoid, or else they will
sabotage your earnings - The very same
ones 95% of AdWords users make, revealed for the first
time. Are you one of the 95%?... |
Raam Anand , Content-N-Cash.com
Graeme Eastman, AffiliateGuide.com
Russell Portwood, internetmarketingtoolz.com
...I know you may have bought dozens of guides on AdWords... and none of them have worked for you. Granted many of the guides will have given you a tip here and there, but what effect did they have on your bottom line. You look at AdWords and with a sigh, you think to yourself: "are people making real money from this?"
The answer is a definitive yes; people are making hundreds of thousands from it, so much money that it should be outlawed. They are doing it not because they are smarter than you, and not because they are more disciplined. Most of the time, they just stumble onto a few tricks and those tricks are enough to put them on the winning side of the curve. Life is not fair, and a few advantages (often formed from random experimentation) are enough to separate the winners from the rest... and believe me when I say the gulf between the two is absolutely MASSIVE. One moment you're broke, the next time you are laughing...there's no middle ground...
Unfortunately, you will need to chuck out everything you have learned so far. Forget the "popular guides" that everyone else has (perfect information makes them worthless); put your campaigns on hold; and kiss goodbye to the "old school" methods that everyone else is using. This is brand new, untapped gold -methods that the rest aren't using - the same ones that generate trunks of cash daily.
It's the answer to the question you've been asking since you first opened your AdWords account...
When I created Adwords Miracle, I wanted to be certain that it included every tip and trick I use to make piles of cash from Adwords, from the ground up. The end result is this: I do spend time running through the basics of Adwords, so don't worry if you are a complete beginner. Within one read of the "basics" section, you will be on a level par with 95% of Adwords users out there - and once you have finished the entire package you will be on a completely different level to anyone else. People who have been trying to crack Adwords for years will get let behind when a lot of this information gets into the hands of their competition..
Even so called "experts" who have bought and read all the other guides out there will get crushed by anyone using the techniques in the Adwords Miracle package - and even if the person putting them to use is a beginner. The methods inside Adwords Miracle really are that powerful and that simple.
And you don't even need a website to profit - inside I show you the right way to generate Adwords earnings without a website. And it has very little to do with methods you will find anyone else talking about in their outdated manuals and high-priced seminars.
Bob Shaw, Oakdale, California
L Portman, Victoria, Australia
G. Cole, NY, NY
B. Stewart, San Leandro, CA |
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cloaking (top-secret, zero cost techniques)
- If you are an affiliate and you don't use these techniques
to mask your links, you are losing cash by the second...
minute... and hour. FACT: Over 30% of affiliate commissions
are stolen. If I could claw that 30% back for you,
and slap the thieves round the head, how much would that
be worth to you? $200.. How about $2,000? Short answer:
a lot... Inside I will show you the two guaranteed
ways to stop the thieves dead in their tracks -
for free (when some big name marketers charge
you upwards of $100 for the same thing!). And you know
I don't like hard work, so I show you how to get even
the most determined commission thief to buy via your link...
with minimal effort on your end. |
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"instant high click through ads"
Imagine if someone making $1,000 per day from Adwords
gave you the ads he uses to achieve CTR as high as 40%.
How much would that be worth to you? Before you answer,
let me tell you this: I am making upwards of $1,000
(on a bad day, a good day double it), and I do give
you my personal instant plug in and profit ads -
the same ones I use to enter and dominate niches on
the first day. Just take an ad, insert your keyword,
throw it out there and watch the competition bleed
...while you lay back and watch those payment notifications
flood in |
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keyword insertion - everyone was talking about
it in 2006. But what are those $1k a
day guys doing in 2007 when it comes to Google's latest feature?
Do they use it, and if so how much? Well, forget
what your favorite guru told you - let me tell you DKI
is, and how it can save you hours of testing if
you do the right way (get it wrong, and Google will
really make you wish you never even heard of it) |
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your destination URL to add as much as 5% to your CTR
- Just added, a super advanced technique:
you will have seen some affiliates doing this, but you
would never know why, unless someone in the know showed
you. Let me tell you a super advanced technique that can
add as much as 5% (sometimes more) to your CTR, with
just a few minor changes that don't cost you a cent.
Sounds unbelievable, but inside I show you how I do it
day in, day out... |
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to know the most profitable niches on the planet?
Well, I really did not want to add this, as I felt I might
be giving too much away... you see, as of 11th
July, in the advanced bonus manual in your Adwords Miracle
package... I finally expose the 5 most profitable niches
on the planet. After this, there is nothing more to say.
It took me hundreds of hours of testing to settle on these
five niches, and inside I throw the game into disarray
and show the five hottest niches on Adwords. Period. Worth three times the cost of the manual alone. |
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out why over 99% of Clickbank affiliates fail to make
a living from their craft - Let me show you
the reason once and for all. This is something no-one
wants to talk about, in case the word gets out and the
flood gates open. But there is a very simple
reason why only 1% of affiliates are making a living
online. The truth may shock you, but I make no apologies.
As soon as I show you the fundamental error, you can
switch up your game and start doing it the right way
so you can finally join the 1% of us who are making
a living from it.. |
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#1: How to locate the hottest, rising Clickbank products
Imagine if someone could tell you which products are
going to be big in a months time, and which are going
to flop. If you position yourself at the start of a
wave, and ride it all the way to the top, then jump
onto the next one, you can conservatively make $2,000
a week. I know because I make double that using my first
product selection method. FACT: The "rising
star" technique allows you to spot products that
are about to get massive, and profit from them before
the "me too" affiliates jump in. FACT: You
will never find this technique anywhere else, because
no-one else is teaching it. And they probably won't
for fear of losing a big chunk of their income. So it's
your only chance to ever learn about it. |
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#2: How to profit from products that are 2 or 3 years
old - You know that every affiliate on Clickbank
thinks the same - they all promote the latest "hot"
product, and get nowhere. But the problem is, how can
you make money from the old products...if they aren't
hot anymore it's because they just won't sell,.. right?
Not exactly. You can make a real
killing uncovering products that are old and no
longer "hot" (and there are literally thousands
out there), but two things must be in place.
And you need to follow my step-by-step methods when
promoting them, or you may well miss out on a chance
to setup a $100/day income stream for life |
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And this book and video package also includes my third top-secret, super advanced product selection technique: - but I want to save the best for people who access the package. When you take these three methods together, it becomes almost impossible not to make $300 per day as an affiliate. These methods tip the odds so heavily in your favor, that when coupled with all the other information in the Adwords Miracle package... it becomes almost impossible not to make a living as an affiliate. It's just that simple - and remember you will never find the information contained in these videos and manuals anywhere else on the planet. |
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Building with Adwords - Complete beginner's guide
- One of the easiest ways to make a living online is
by building a list of subscribers you can send offer
after offer to. I will show you how its done in even
if you have no idea how it works. You can get
$197 list building guides that don't explain the basics
this well. And it gets even better... |
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The three different methods to get signups to your web page - Let me break it all down, and show you the three best methods to get hundreds of signups daily. I use all three methods in different niches - and they all generate so many targeted leads from only a few clicks that it's ridiculous. Inside I will show you how to follow my lead using these same techniques, and the method that is best for your own situation, and the kind of niche you are currently in. |
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techniques to maximise signup conversions
- Pay close attention: I am going to show you two
super advanced techniques I use to generate hundreds
of signups daily, with minimal effort and no
additional cost to you. These are the same methods
I used to build one opt-in list of 830 people in two
weeks , and another opt-in list of 1324 people in 15
days. The incredible thing was, in both cases, I doubled
my money from my Adwords clicks and still had a list
to market to in the future! With the techniques in Adwords
Miracle, you will pay almost nothing for your clicks
- now find out how to turn an investment of almost nothing
into an opt-in list of 10,000 people... all from Adwords.
Time to queue up the autoresponder, let the Adwords
campaign run on auto-pilot, and go on an extended vacation
to the country of your choice (like one of my friends
I mentioned earlier has just done) ... |
Every so often, Google does something crazy and unexpected - a change in their algorithm here, a switchup in their Quality Score there... and the industry goes crazy. Rumours circulate, the gurus all jump in and start dishing out advice. The thing is, I am not a guru, but I do make upwards of $1k on a bad day and $5k on a good day (well, maybe that makes me a guru by default). And if Google does anything that can affect my earnings, I take swift action - and I always come out better than I was before the update. And then I tell everyone how I did it in the next update of Adwords Miracle.
And, my updates are serious. New up-to-date training videos, new bonus materials. I go underground, you won't hear from me for a month, and then I give you a free training video showing you how I have generated an extra $200 using a free piece of code.
Go back and read that last paragraph - I don't play games - my updates come hard, fast, and they switch up the Adwords game for all concerned, whether they are in the loop or not. After the last update, I received e-mails from over a dozen buyers asking me if they could get a discount on the new pack...
Now that tells you something. My updates are free, and I told them that - but these guys were prepared to pay the retail price fully, twice over - just for the new material. These guys know what I am about and they want to stay up-to-date no matter the cost. And my price is poised to go up very soon (very, very soon). So, free updates for life is conservatively worth $197. Some people charge $3,000 (I have seen it with my own eyes) for material that I have planned for Adwords Miracle. The question is, do you want to get in at the ground floor and have access to the material in the future for free- or do you want to jump in when I start charging $297 for the pack with no free updates?
Sit back and
prepare to love this one: you now also get a live video, where I
show you step-by-step how I write competition-crushing
ads that everyone clicks on, enabling me to get those
double digit CTR's and pay cents for even high-priced keywords.
Even if I have never been in a niche before, the techniques work
just as well (and don't worry if you are an Adwords beginner, it's
easy to understand, and devestatingly simple in application). In
fact, this one video is probably worth the cost of the package alone,
but you will have to watch it yourself to understand why...
The Adwords Miracle package now includes your own fully developed personal landing page that is perfectly optimized for you to make money from Adsense and affiliate sales, with all your affiliate links setup to make you job-killing income - no technical skills needed. Ever. And at no cost to yourself, but let me point something out...
Please be aware, this is a special offer I have negotiated for existing AWM members - my design company will create your own page for you, which is great if you know nothing about web design and don't want to fork out serious cash for a developer.
To get a web designer to create a page like this would cost a few hundred dollars just to start (my guys normally charge $297), and then you would have to go through weeks of painful testing to see which layout works best to maximise returns. I know because I went through that pain, and what I came out with on the other end was this landing page - all you have to do is sign up and these guys will design your web page for you at a $297 cost, with your Clickbank links all set up and good to go; offer only available to AWM members.
And now, for one last time, before I double, triple or even quadruple the price, you can claim this incredible bonus (very, very limited availability).
I have been making a good living as an affiliate for a while now, and I wanted to get everything off my chest once and for all. You see, there is so much bad information out there for affiliates using Adwords.
So, one day last week, I sat down, turned on my computer and created a monster, 30 minute training video setting the record straight once and for all.
This video covers literally every method you can use to promote affiliate products on Adwords - and exactly how I do it with real life case studies. If you are an affiliate you don't have this information right now, your competitors have a massive edge over you.
I know because
I started out without this information, and had to learn it the
hard way. Luckily for you, the learning curve will be so much
quicker - if you do the right thing and get access to the latest
addition to the Adwords Miracle package... before I double the price,
and the opportunity is gone forever...
In July 2006, Google changed their algorithm leaving many advertisers out of business. Affiliates using Adwords were hit the hardest and many had their bid prices pushed up as ten bucks a pop! The gurus all jumped on tendering advice that was either impractical (built a hub of a site with 50 unique articles), or just plain didn't work.
And then, on September 16th, 2006, I finally stepped up to bat with a proven workaround for the Google slap that allows you to use your direct linking / Google Cash methods - along with your squeeze page techniques and one page sales letters- and all the other fun stuff that us direct marketers love.
And still keep your clicks down to those $0.10 prices. Once more, no-one on the planet is onto this - apart from me and my AWM members.
What price you ask? This one is genius and I can't even attach a price tag to it for anyone who is going to use Adwords / might in the future. And even when the slap came calling again right at the end of 2006... AWM members were protected. I just wish I could say the same for their competitors.
And remember , for AWM members - at least those who order AWM today - this incredible bonus comes as part of the package. That is, at least for now.
This method does not involve hard work on your part - but it does mean lots of love from Google while your competitors are left outside the loop yet again. It's business as usual for AWM members.
Just make sure you aren't left outside the loop in 2007...
When I first started selling Adwords Miracle in 2006, I was charging $167 and you know what happened? A lot of people got rich off it.
And in that time I never received a single request for a refund, and that was before I even added any of the bonuses - since then, I have added the 30 minutes of live, step-by-step videos, the Advanced Themes bonus guide (easily worth three hundred bucks), How to Build a Massive opt-in list with Adwords (priceless), and the Affiliates Guide to Choosing Hot products (worth a conservative $297).
To put it bluntly, the package size has gone from mad to certified insane - with a real value of close to $1297 (and more than a dozen buyers have said it's like being at a $3,000 seminar after the update). Given the incredible feedback for the first package, and that fact that I have now expanded the pack by a mind-boggling 300% in size and scope, this is very simply the best deal online. And here's why. The entire system has taken me hundreds of hours to compile and thousands of hours of painful trial and error to create.
What you end up with is the perfect, up-to-date, complete package to quit your job and make thousands from Adwords, from the comfort of your own home...
So, if the original was $167, how much is the newly updated pack?
Remember that my competition charge $200-400 for inferior information...
If you think I would charge $297, guess again... $247?
Well, I have a shock for you - the price is not what you think...
remember this information has actually been added to once
twice three times with killer up-to-date Adwords tricks and techniques, possibly
for the last time before I increase the price to $397, or
at least $297 as many experienced marketers say I should...)...
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Miracles - Jan `07 **NEW** Learn the True Insider Methods to AdWords; the ones used by the top one percent of users... the ones no-one has ever revealed... until now. Includes over 200 pages of red-hot underground secrets, and 50 minutes of step-by-step training videos -- exposing every last one of my techniques from building a massive list with Adwords cheaply and quickly, how to locate and promote the hottest products as an affiliate, ... and far too much to mention. Now includes my red-hot "Skimming method" - never discussed before by anyone, at least in a language I understand. The surest way to make $100 per day from AdWords that I have ever heard of. 100% fool-proof. Also including: Complete Guide to AdWords for Beginners and up; Advanced Techniques Manual; Special chapter on tripling your return on investment; Choosing products to promote as an affiliate (all three of my insider methods); How to get double digit click-thru's... ...AND much, much more! Released on the web for the first time... and possibly the last...
Get your very own "AdWords Miracle" Instantly |
can buy the AdWords Miracle techniques for For
a very limited time I am selling it for I only want to offer my guidance to a select few remember, so I suggest you act fast while my offer is good....
<< Show me an AdWords Miracle !>>
Just click on the link above to get started! Of course, if you're already raking in thousands then you don't need me... but, if not...
P.S. Unlike many AdWords "tricks" you have probably seen on your travels, the guide is NEW and unique (which is why it works so well), and once I have sold a few copies to gauge the market I will no doubt increase the retail price heavily (I am VERY likely to remove details of my personal "super-tricks", and/or sell them separately for $150-300 for starters). I advise you to snap it up NOW at this low introductory price, while you still have the chance! Remember, you won't find this information anywhere else, and certainly nowhere near this low starting price. With AdWords, "one man's profit is the next man's loss" - so if you don't have the system you are losing cash daily to the rest of us savvy marketers. And you are going to lose the potential to make an easy $300 per day using AdWords.
P.P.S. You probably go through the cost of the guide book in a few hours in your current daily grind!! It doesn't have to be this way, so I suggest you make a decision while the guide is still here, and at this insanely low price. Don't say you weren't warned.
One final point: let me frame it another way. By not buying this guide, you are losing the following: $1000's per week ; the freedom to do whatever you want ; the ability to pay your liabilities at ease; the chance to finally crack the AdWords code... and the list goes on. By not acting, you are losing all of these things, just as well as if you already had them. How hard would you fight to keep all this if you already had it in the palm of your hand? Well, you do so I suggest you act - before you forget and go back to your average results forever...
Just in: our latest unsolicited review! According to Honest-Review.com, Adwords Miracle is "one of the best to be released recently", and "if you were to implement the strategies I see no reason why you wouldn't make money ...the advice on landing pages is worth the price of the book alone". Honest Review "categorically states that the section on strategy works". The section on writing ads is "truly excellent... a definite thumbs up" and "even the most advanced marketer should find something within this book that will increase their profits". Honest Review would "most certainly buy it" ... And that just sums it up - a review that was written before the pack doubled in size and became the new industry standard overnight! So, you know that you are buying a profitable insider guide to profiting from Adwords. You can check out testimonials from people just like you above - people who decided to purchase and who never looked at Adwords (or their account statements) the same way again. Now all that's left is for you to start making masses of cash from the internet for the first time!
Here to Order and start earning right away