"With a monster $66 payout, and a 4% conversion off PPC, Adwords Miracle has been making the smart affiliates rich for months...
Now, in 2007, the monster pays out at 75% and
it's your turn to take a cut of the action..."
Update: Get your own optimized free Adwords
plug in and profit website - click here to get started
Why do 10% of the affiliates make 90% of the money?
the products they promote! You get that right, and everything else
falls into place!
conversion rates, a smoking $66.55 payout, a hungry market... promoting
the Adwords Miracle guide means easy cash for us both. Read this
Q&A session, send me some traffic... and then tell your boss
where he can stick it.
is Adwords Miracles?
Miracle is the ultimate handbook for allowing affiliates and product
vendors to profit from the Pay Per Click engine Google Adwords.
Released in April 2006, and massively updated
in July, August and September 2006, the guide is simply the de facto manual for quitting
your job and living off your Adwords traffic.
know this to be true, because I went from broke to $50,000 per month
using the principles in the guide, and everyday more and more testimonials
flood in from buyers who have literally had their lives changed
by the material.
package was massively updated these past few months, with almost
an hour of live training videos and almost double the information
that was in the original pack. This has forced up the conversion
rates, and pushed customer satisfaction to a new level - meaning
even more hungry buyers are going to be flocking to the site over
the next few months, due to word-of-mouth marketing that product
is now generating.
Chris, thank you for all the helpful information on
your affiliate page. Most products on Clickbank do not
convert at the figures claimed - but yours is the exception.
Since promoting Adwords Miracle on Google Adwords, I
have sold my sixth copy in five days - and my return
on investment has been over 500%. I am now going to
go back and redo my ad copy in line with the methods
in your guide, and increase my cost per click to ensure
I get fully served. Thank you one last time for a great
product, and one that has made me lots of money as an
affiliate too!
Nick Pearsall, Huntingdon, U.K.
Chris, thanks alot for allowing me to partner with you
in the promotion of your Adwords Miracle Guide. Gosh...what
can I say?! The conversion rate was outstanding and
my subscribers are absolutely loving your course! This
is not only an excellent product, but it is a sure seller.
I have made the resolve in my heart to continue to sell
your product...because I truly believe in it. Thanks
again for the partnership and I hope to continue working
with you."
Melvin Perry, http://www.list-building-videos.com
do I need to know as affiliate in terms of vital stats?
visitor value for the site is extremely high.
the monster July updates, the average conversion rate is now 3.1-5.6%
(from PPC traffic, or closer to 14%
with a good pre sell via your own list or a review page). Add
to that a price of $97, and I make a lot of money from my traffic
- I specialise in getting an incredible return on investment via
PPC traffic, and let me tell you this is as good as it gets!
now you can do the same - with a monster 75% payout... you do the
big on maths?
me show you how it works: you send 100 visitors to Adwords Miracle,
and a conservative four purchase. You make $66.55 on each sale,
or $266.20 in total. As you can imagine, clicks cost a lot
less than my average visitor value on PPC engines (even very targeted
each click costs you an average of $0.50, which is about right for
targeted key terms - you will make $266.20 or $216.20 net profit
for every $50 spent.
I have to be honest... these figures are conservative. I have scaled
them down to be on the safe side, and if you write a good pre-sell
(either via a review page, or from your own list, then you are probably
looking at a figure closer to 10%, in some cases even higher). I suggest you don't waste any time...
big is the market for Adwords related products?
according to Overture's search estimator, over 10,000 searches per
month are made for Adwords related terms (and that's just on Yahoo,
the figure is probably more like 40,000 including Google and the
smaller search engines). Imagine sending a tiny fraction of
that to the Adwords Miracle site.
you have your own list, or related site and you can send free traffic...
well, it gets even more ridiculous.
site or list related to internet marketing in some way will most
likely convert like crazy - and here's why. Any visitor of yours
who has a commercial website will want to promote their site via
Adwords... and that means easy cash in your pocket. Most of the
biggest selling e-books from the last three years have been Adwords-related.
So if you combine that with the best converting site in the market,
and a product that just reaks of value and quality... it starts
to get a little crazy.
better given the scaleability, my product isn't mass market... yet
- it has been silently converting in the background while I work
on other projects and my competitors reach market saturation.
is the time for the smart affiliates to switch brands and start
simple? It really is, send targeted traffic and my beast of a sales
letter will do the rest. Just be sure to cash in before the competition
realizes that the package has been updated and the conversions have
just jumped up massively! Adwords Miracle is new, massively updated,
and converting quickly, so get in early... before market saturation
starts and you see the site everywhere, thinking "that could
have been me!"
am I paid out?
need to reinvent the wheel. ClickBank, the web's premier affiliate
hub, handle all pay-outs on my behalf (if you don't have an account
with them, get one for free by clicking here).
They pay out every two weeks, and track all conversions via their
leading technology, so you know you will be paid for every sale
- promptly. This is how I like it - I have a vested interest in
you getting paid as much as possible, so you send me even more traffic,
and we both make even more easy cash.
do I get started?
you will need a Clickbank account. This is free, and you can get
yours by clicking here.
you have your account, you will need to start sending traffic through
to our site via your hoplink. Your hoplink will look like this:
for example http://myclickbankname.awmiracle.hop.clickbank.net )
can promote Adwords Miracle any number of ways: pay-per-click traffic,
writing an independent review on your own site, sending an email
out to your own list, or promoting in forums. If the traffic is
relevant it will convert and make us both piles of money.
high-converting keywords to get you started:
you want to promote the site on Google Adwords, here are some high
converting keywords to get you started.
make sure you send me some traffic so you can start earning!
a simple banner logo, 300 x 80 to get you started - along with the
copy and paste code. Feel free to also use the images on my sales
page. I recommend you write an impartial review for the product
(if you have a website), or simply recommend it to your mailing

special tips for list owners and joint venture partners?
you are a joint venture partner, and you have a list, then I have
made things as easy as possible for you.
is a "standard pre-sell" that has worked especially well
in the past (this pre-sell has converted at 6.7%, 12.1% and 8.5%
depending on responsiveness of the list). Just enter your hoplink,
queue it up in your autoresponder - and enjoy the results:
else ?
I know you probably look at those figures and sigh. "I have
heard this before - it all sounds good, but will it convert".
Well, I know where you are coming from as an affiliate myself.
here's the thing: the traffic is converting, for two good reasons.
Firstly, my sales letter is built to convert, and that's that. Secondly,
and this is very important, the product hasn't gone mass market
yet when you consider the massive scope for sales in the market
- and remember, hundreds of new Adwords users enter the market everyday.
it does, return on investment will fall and market saturation hits.
This is the point where the "me too" guys come in and
start promoting. Adwords Miracle is nowhere near this point. At
least not yet that is. As of February 2007, the product continues to generate incredible ROI for affiliates promoting it on Adwords, and will probably continue to do so for years to come .
is an example of the kind of money you can expect to make from selling
the product:
of the week ending 21st January, 2007, I am averaging a return of about 840% for the previous week (not
a typo, you read that right). Granted I am the vendor so I get the
entire cut, but half that figure and tell me if you would turn a
420% ROI down if it was offered to you on a silver plate. Well,
this page is the only offer you are going to
get this year.
you want proof of the value of my sales letter / product, try this:
over to your Adwords account, and setup a campaign in ten minutes
with all related Adwords keywords (don't strain yourself - use Google's
suggestion tool to build your list, or alternatively you can use
the suggested starter keywords here).
Do a simple ad, and set a max bid of $0.60. Let it run for 200 clicks
and then check your Clickbank account. Just don't refinance the
house to buy clicks when you see the kind of return you get.
if you don't make more than a 800% return on your investment? Well,
it's simple really: you need to do one more thing, which is get
the Adwords Miracle book itself.
questions? Contact me Here